Karachi: Today (February 22, 2025) SAR TO PKR currency exchange rate is based on open markets which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan.
Here you will find the updated list of Saudi Riyal to PKR today as per the open market. Check the latest 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR (SAR TO PKR) today on (February 22, 2025).
Also check: Currency rates in Pakistan
Saudi Riyal rate in Pakistan (SAR to PKR)
SAR TO PKR open market exchange rate today on, February 22, 2025 – One Saudi Riyal is worth Pakistan rupees today, 50 Saudi Riyal at inter-bank exchange rates given here.
SAR (Saudi Riyal) | PKR (Pakistani Rupee) |
1 SAR | 74.44 |
5 SAR | 372.20 |
10 SAR | 744.40 |
25 SAR | 1861.01 |
- The code for Saudi Arabia is SAR
- Symbol of Saudi Arabia currency (SAR)
- Numeric Currency Code of SAUDI ARABIA, Saudi Riyal, SAR is 682
Riyal to PKR Exchange Rates
Riyal to PKR exchange rate you can check here, this page offers all the details about Riyal Rate in Pakistan Today Open Market. And provide the latest and updated exchange rates of 1 SAR to Pakistani Rupees.
SAR to PKR rate usually varies in the local market. The reason is that the Riyal rate fluctuates in the international market which affects the prices regularly.
Q. How can I exchange (SAR TO PKR) Saudi Riyal to Pakistani rupees?
A. You can exchange Saudi Riyal for Pakistani Rupees from the money changers.
Riyal currency rate – Saudi currency rate – Saudi Riyal currency rate & SAR currency exchange rate in Pakistan.
The Saudi Riyal is recognized as an important currency worldwide – SAR TO PKR to Pakistani rupees – Riyal exchange rate today Pakistan.
Other Currencies: USD to PKR | Uk Pound to PKR | Euro to PKR | SAR to PKR | UAE Dirham to PKR | US Dollar to PKR