On (February 18, 2025) Today (SAR/PKR) STC pay exchange rate today Pakistan conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan.
Below you can find the updated list STC pay exchange rate today Pakistan Exchange Rate Chart as per open market. Find the latest 1 STC pay exchange rate today (February 18, 2025)..
STC pay exchange rate today Saudi riyal to Pakistani rupees today (SAR/PKR)
SAR TO PKR Today (February 18, 2025) – One Saudi Riyal is worth Pakistan Rupee today, 50 SAR Riyal buys Pakistani rupees at inter-bank exchange rates.
SAR (Saudi Riyal) | PKR (Pakistani Rupee) |
1 SAR | 74.44 |
5 SAR | 372.20 |
10 SAR | 744.40 |
25 SAR | 1861.01 |
Pakistan Rupee Information
- The currency Code of Pakistani Rupee is PKR
- Numeric Currency Code of Pakistani Rupee is 586
- It is often referred to as rupees, rupaya, or rupaye.
- PKR is the currency of Pakistan
Saudi Riyal Information
- Symbol of Saudi Arabia currency (SAR)
- Numeric Currency Code of SAUDI ARABIA, Saudi Riyal, SAR is 682
- Saudi Riyal is the currency of Saudi Arabia
You can also find the currency exchange rates of USD to PKR, AED TO PKR, USD TO AED, and more here on financeupdates.