On (, ) Latest Fawri bank exchange rate today Pakistan is based on open market rates which are set by…
Saudi Riyal to PKR
SAR TO PKR buying exchange rate is PKR 77.5 per Pakistan Open Market and SAR/PKR selling exchange rate for 1…
KARACHI: SAR TO PKR buying exchange rate is PKR 74.82 per international market and SAR TO PKR selling exchange rate for…
SAR TO PKR buying exchange rate is PKR 69.38 per international market and SAR TO PKR selling exchange rate for…
KARACHI: The buying rate of 1 SAR to PKR was Rs 60.71 and the selling rate of 1 SAR to…
KARACHI: The buying rate of 1 SAR to PKR was Rs49.550 and the selling rate of 1 SAR to PKR was…
KARACHI: The buying rate of 1 SAR to PKR was Rs47.070 and the selling rate of 1 SAR to PKR was…
KARACHI: The current SAR/PKR selling exchange rate is Rs46.96 at 8:24 am PST on November 27, 2021. The SAR appreciates…
Tuesday: The buying rate of the (SAR TO PKR) Saudi Riyal was Rs41.35 while it was sold at Rs42 in…
On Saturday: Today 1 SAR TO PKR open market exchange rates is based on open market rates which are set…