On (December 21, 2024) Today (SAR/INR) al rajhi bank exchange rate saudi riyal to Indian rupees today conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of India.
Below you can find the updated list al rajhi bank exchange rate saudi riyal to Indian rupees Exchange Rate Chart as per open market. Find the latest 1 al rajhi bank exchange rate saudi riyal to Indian rupees today (December 21, 2024)..
Al rajhi bank exchange rate Saudi riyal to Indian rupees today (SAR/INR)
SAR TO INR Today (December 21, 2024) – One Saudi Riyal is worth Indian Rupee today, 50 SAR Riyal buys Indian rupees at inter-bank exchange rates.
Date | Saudi Riyal (SAR) | Indian Rupee (INR) |
December 21, 2024 | 1 SAR | 22.0854 INR |
December 21, 2024 | 5 SAR | 110.427 INR |
December 21, 2024 | 10 SAR | 220.854 INR |
December 21, 2024 | 25 SAR | 552.134 INR |
December 21, 2024 | 50 SAR | 1,104.27 INR |
Indian Rupee Information
- The currency code of the Indian Rupee is INR
- It is often referred to as rupees, Paisa.
- INR is the currency of India
Saudi Riyal Information
- Symbol of Saudi Arabia currency (SAR)
- Numeric Currency Code of SAUDI ARABIA, Saudi Riyal, SAR is 682
- Saudi Riyal is the currency of Saudi Arabia
Al Rajhi Bank is one of the largest Islamic banks in the world, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The bank offers a range of financial services, including foreign currency exchange, to its customers. The Al Rajhi Bank exchange rate is the rate at which the bank buys and sells currencies to and from its customers. The exchange rates offered by Al Rajhi Bank are competitive, and the bank prides itself on providing its customers with transparent and fair rates. Customers can access the bank’s exchange rates through its website or by visiting one of its branches. Al Rajhi Bank also offers currency exchange services for international travel, allowing customers to buy and sell currencies at its branches or through its online platform. Overall, Al Rajhi Bank is a reliable option for individuals and businesses looking to exchange currencies.
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