The government on Thursday increased the price of petrol by Rs5.40 per litre and that of high-speed diesel (HSD) by Rs2.54 per litre. Meanwhile, the prices of kerosene increased by Rs1.39 and light-diesel oil (LDO) increased by Rs1.27. The new price for petrol, diesel, kerosene and light-diesel oil (LDO) are as follows: The new price for petrol  Rs118.09 per litre The new price Diesel     Rs116.5 per litre The new price Kerosene  Rs87.14 per litre The new price LDO      Rs84.67 per litre The change was shared by Special Assistant to Prime Minister…
Author: Bushra -
KARACHI: Heavy rain was reported in multiple parts of Karachi such as I.I. Chundrigar Road, Saddar, Clifton, Defence, Orangi Town, and Garden Thursday evening instead karachiites were expecting the weather to stay hot and humid today, with some rain, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department’s forecast Thursday morning. “The PMD had predicted rain in Karachi on July 15 which would continue throughout the week.” Winds were blowing whole day from the northeast at a speed of seven km per hour, the Meteorological Department said. After the showers, the intense humid weather in the city turned pleasant The Met office recorded a…
The overnight increase in cases comes in Pakistan as officials in recent weeks sounded the alarm over a fourth wave fuelled as âDelta variantâ, first detected in India. Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan had issued a clear warning of a looming fourth wave, terming the âDelta variantâ âthe biggest concernâ. The concerns were later reflected by Umar, who said that there were clear signs of a fourth Covid-19 wave starting in Pakistan. Positivity rates in different cities Gilgit: 23.17pc Skardu: 21.26pc Muzaffarabad: 21.03pc Karachi: 19.29pc Rawalpindi: 11.97pc Peshawar: 9.4pc Islamabad: 6.2pc Lahore: 3.8pc In addition, more than 40 cases of the âDelta variantâ…
“UAE residents will be able to enjoy a six-day long break combined with the two-day weekend” The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources announced A four-day holiday that the Eid Al Adha and Arafat day holidays in all ministries and federal entities will be from Dhu Al-Hijjah 9 as per the Islamic calendar. This corresponds to Monday, July 19, and employees will be off until Dhu Al-Hijjah 12, 1442, corresponding to Thursday, July 22. In this way UAE residents will be able to enjoy a six-day long break combined with the two-day weekend. Official working hours will resume on Sunday, 25…
âAccording to the government announcement and central Reuet e Hilal Committee report, Zilhaj moon 2021 has been sighted and Eid holidays are going to start from July 20 in Pakistan.â This year: Tues, 20 July 2021 (tentative day) Last year: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 This year government employees are expected to get only âThree day holidaysâ: on account of âBakra Eidâ. The Hajj holiday would be on July 20, followed by Eidul Azha holidays on July 21, 22. 23 July 2021 i.e Friday, would be the working day for all officials as announced by federal government.
Today The Pakistan Meteorological Department claimed about the heavy monsoon rain spell in Karachi is expected to begin from 15th July. The Met Office said the temperature in the city was recorded at 31 degrees Celsius, with winds blowing at a speed of 20 kilometres an hour. According to forcasted weather this heavy monsoon rain will continue till 17th july Sindh Governor Imran Ismail has written to Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah persuading all the stakeholders not to repeat previous years catastrophic incidents during heavy monsoon rainstorm in the city. He added that CM should mobilise all the relevant…
The “Sharjah Summer Promotions Programme 2021” Â has been commenced by today, July 8 ,2021 and is set to last until August 26,2021 Â under the slogan “Sharjah Summer Shopping Prizes Fun “. The mega sale event is being organized by the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI). Sharjah Summer Promotions is part of the âSharjah Summer Festivalâ and is organised annually.The most important shopping and tourist event on the chamber agenda offers fantastic activities, fun events, valuable prizes, and amazing discounts that cater to the visitors and residents of the emirates. The main aim of this event is to enhance…
Canada,HongKong,Singapore,NewZealand,Japan,Australia,Norway,UAE,Switzerland,Finlad are ten top cashless countries; according to report. A cashless society describes an economic state whereby financial transactions are not conducted with money in the form of physical banknotes or coins, but rather through the transfer of digital information (usually an electronic representation of money) between the transacting parties. The UAE is the worldâs eighth most cashless country, as the pandemic support the countryâs fast-growing digital payments sector, a new survey reported. The countries with cashless economies were revealed using data from the World Bank and the largest debit and credit card providers in the world Meanwhile, the UAE is…
UAE and Saudi Arabia confirmed that the first day of Eidul Fitr would be on Thursday (May 13) as the Shawwal moon has not been sighted in the kingdom. âThe Shawwal crescent was not sighted in the UAE as well and the Gulf country will mark the first day of Eid on May 13.â May 13, will be the first day of Eid Al Fitr in the UAE, authorities in the UAE confirmed on Tuesday. Saudi Arabia to mark Eid -ul -Fitr on Thursday (tomorrow) as the Shawwal moon was not sighted on Tuesday. According to Saudi Gazette, the Shawwal…
For the Shawwal moon sighting, it has been decided that the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee chairman Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad will meet today on the 29th of Ramadan 2021. Chairman Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad will preside over the meeting. The zonal committees will meet in their respective areas while the central body would gather moon sighting evidence from across the country. According to evidences it is cleared that chances of the moon sighting is limited on Wednesday and there would be complete 30 days of the holy month of Ramadan. Hence Eid-ul-Fitr in Pakistan will be celebrated on Friday, May 14 2021. âThe…