Author: Web Desk

Apple continues to push the boundaries of smartphone technology with its latest flagship device, the iPhone 14 Pro Max. Packed with cutting-edge features and powerful specifications, this phone is poised to redefine the mobile experience. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of the iPhone 14 Pro Max, including its price, specifications, and overall performance. Apple iphone 14 Pro Max Price in Pakistan Setting new standards in the premium smartphone segment, the iPhone 14 Pro Max comes with a price tag of Rs. 534,999. While it may be an investment, the device justifies its cost with a…

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KARACHI – Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has forecast heavy rains for parts of the province including the port city during the next 1-2 days. The current synoptic conditions indicate that monsoon winds originating from the Arabian Sea are consistently moving into the northern and central regions of the country and are expected to persist in the upcoming days. A westerly wave is also likely to enter upper parts of the country on Friday (evening/night). From the evening/night of July 14 to July 16, Sukkur, Jacobabad, Nagarparkar, Tharparkar, Umerkot, Sanghar, and Mirpur Khas can expect rain, wind-thundershower, and a few instances…

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Tired of the traditional 9-5 job? Almost everyone dreams of establishing their own business instead of working for others. For whatever reason, you may be considering ways to ease the move. You might have considered transitioning from employee to business owner, but couldn’t do it for any reason. But now is the time to take the first step. It doesn’t matter what route you use to make the jump; you’ll still have to overcome obstacles. If you have decided to quit the job with a six-figure income and step into the world where you’ll be the boss, we can assure…

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Many of us have difficulty trading and lose desire after making a string of unsuccessful transactions. There are stories of traders who put in a lot of time and effort practising the market, trying out different methods, and building their confidence, only to be left feeling disheartened and defeated in the end. Many of us have been through something similar. We’ve all been there, and more than once we’ve pushed through the pain rather than admitted it, only to find ourselves in an even more dire situation. Being able to accept defeat and begin making adjustments is a vital part…

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It’s GREAT that you’re a successful entrepreneur who knows how to make a living in the digital world. Your company has a positive environment and a dedicated team of workers that share your enthusiasm for coming in each day. When you’re on hand, everything goes off without a hitch. You’ve done an excellent job of communicating expectations to your staff, and they’ve risen to the challenge. But, what if you’re not there?  You might face problems with invoicing, responding to customer service questions, and shipping and delivery. The issue is not with your staff, to be clear. They share your…

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Keeping a trading notebook may help you monitor your deals and boost your long-term earnings. By keeping a trading log, you may learn from your successes and failures and improve your trading as a result. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of keeping a trading diary and recommend the top six diaries for different trading styles. A Trading Journal Is… Maintain a trading diary to record your transactions. You should record your entry and exit prices for each transaction, along with any additional thoughts or strategies you had at the time. Your trading notebook will serve you better if…

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There are many trustworthy online forex brokers from which to pick, but there are also scam brokers operating under the same name. Scam brokers make money by luring unsuspecting traders with promises of high returns, then charging them exorbitant fees, making a profit off of their trading activity, and skimming money from their accounts until the traders catch on and withdraw their funds.  A forex broker is not allowed by law to steal client funds, although dishonest brokers do exist. Once that occurs, you risk quickly exhausting your financial resources. If there are any red flags after going through the…

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All aspiring traders need to know that they must first invest their money in a way that ensures it will grow. If possible, they should use interest-free loans. When funds are inadequate, no plan or approach can quickly multiply them. However, the prospect of losing everything will increase the psychological strain associated with the risk. Profitable investing is simple for those who are well-versed in research and the fundamentals of the foreign currency market, but those who go in blind might face difficulties. List Of 10 Trading Strategies  Different strategies and ways of carrying out transactions are utilized in the…

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Getting through growth ruts and expanding into new markets are common difficulties for established businesses. These challenges may be discouraging, but they also provide an opportunity for growth. When a firm is ready to expand into more areas or to attract a wider customer base, this is known as business expansion. It might include entering a new market, hiring more people, or opening a franchise. Before expanding your firm, you must have a solid plan in place. Brands can only grow if they have established loyal followings, excellent current offerings, and strategic marketing plans. That’s why it’s important to have…

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