The roll number slips for the HSSC special test 2021 have been released by the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. Candidates who have made an application to sit in the special exam 2021 2nd year and 1st year should get their roll number slip from the board officials. The roll number slips for the Higher Secondary School Certificate Part-I and Part-II 2nd annual examinations 2021 have been posted to the board’s online domain. Candidates who have met the prerequisites for 11th and 12th-grade admissions according to the board’s standards are eligible to take the test in order to enhance their grades.
Slip 2021 (Roll Number)
The FBISE has released the results for the 11th and 12th grades for the year 2021. The FBISE now sends out the roll number slips at least a week before the special test. Candidates must carry their roll number slip to the test venue at all times throughout the exam. The roll number slip contains information regarding the test center’s date, day, and location.