Fajr time Islamabad: Today Islamabad prayer timings have been updated. Fajr time Islamabad, Maghrib Time Islamabad, Isha time Islamabad. It will help you keep a track of your prayers, serving as a prayer alarm for you to not miss a single prayer.
Today’s Prayer Time In Islamabad (23 Jul 2021)
Peshawar | 3:41 | 5:18 | 12:21 | 4:05 | 7:22 | 9:01 |
Fajr time Islamabad – this is performed before sunriseThere are five daily prayers that must be performed by every Muslim; they are as follows:
- Zohr time Islamabad – this is performed midday
- Asr time Islamabad – this is performed between Zohr and sunset
- Maghrib time Islamabad – this is performed at sunset
- Isha time Islamabad – this is performed between Maghrib and midnight
Many people prefer to pray at the Mosque in the congregation while others opt to pray at home or at work. If someone is traveling or away from their home, certain reliefs are given to make the prayers easier.