Marvel just increased Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) strength after his death via Moon Knight. The overarching villain of the Infinity Saga made his official appearance in Avengers: Infinity War, although clues of his presence have been there since the first Thor film. Moon Knight reveals that the Titan still retains great influence over Earth, despite his brief appearance in the MCU before being vanquished in Avengers: Endgame.
Moon Knight, Marvel Studios‘ sixth Disney+ series, concluded with an epic fight between Egyptian gods Ammit and Khonshu after six episodes. Moon Knight (Oscar Isaac) and Arthur Harrow’s (Ethan Hawke) battle was matched by theirs. Moon Knight has very few connections to the larger MCU. However, since it takes place in the same timeline and reality as the previous events, its occurrences may be linked to those that came before it, including Thanos’ snap and all that happened thereafter.
Unlike Thanos, Harrow’s motives for his crimes were unknown. After achieving his aim of releasing Ammit, the Moon Knight finale finally lay it out. He didn’t seem to have any ulterior motives for his mission; he really believed in Ammit and her methods. Harrow didn’t hesitate to die if it was the best he could do for her. This faith drove him to go to tremendous measures to bring the Egyptian deity back to life. Based on this, it’s not impossible that someone who really believes in the “Thanos was right” movement may follow in his footsteps. While Thanos is officially dead in the Sacred Timeline, any of his followers could follow Harrow’s lead and try to finish what he started. Worse, it’s likely that a legion of followers will try to do the same thing, making it much more difficult to stop them.
If performing another mass wipeout seems too difficult, particularly since it would need the Infinity Stones, maybe those who believed in Thanos’ mission should try to resurrect him instead. After all, since the MCU cosmos is well established, multiple Thanos versions may be taken from other worlds. Traveling over the cosmos to locate another Titan is still a tall order. Iron Man’s (Robert Downey Jr.) brilliance and Ant-(Paul Man’s Rudd) Quantum Tunnel were required to carry it out in Avengers: Endgame, but the details are previously established in the MCU. When you consider the possibilities revealed in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, as well as the presence of America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez), it doesn’t seem to be too tough.
Hawkeye and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, two Marvel Phase 4 projects, confirmed that “Thanos was correct” persists in the MCU beyond the Infinity Saga. It’s unclear if Marvel Studios will pursue this further in the future. However, if the series wishes to bring the Titan back into the plot, this is an intriguing method to do it.