In a heartwarming tale, Bubba Wallace and Amanda Carter tied the knot on New Year’s Eve in 2022, marking a journey that began in high school. Their unique connection blossomed years later, turning friendship into a deep romance.
Wallace and Carter’s story traces back to high school, where they first met but didn’t date. Fast forward to 2015, they reconnected, and a true friendship blossomed into love, leading to a romantic relationship.
The Proposal: Wallace Pops the Question in Oregon
In a picturesque setting in Oregon, Wallace proposed to Carter in June 2021, capturing the moment in front of a waterfall. The engagement marked a significant step in their journey towards a lifetime together.
New Year, New Beginnings: Bubba Wallace and Amanda’s Wedding
On December 31, 2022, Wallace and Carter exchanged vows in a stunning ceremony in Charlotte, North Carolina. The celebration, witnessed by 250 guests, highlighted their unique style, from custom suits to a McDonald’s food truck.
Amanda’s Professional Journey
Amanda Carter holds a degree in finance and banking, graduating in 2016. Formerly a financial analyst at Bank of America, she shifted gears to pursue her passion for art, sharing her creations on Instagram.
Four-Legged Family Member
Adding joy to their lives, Wallace and Carter adopted Asher, an Australian shepherd-poodle mix, in July 2020. The couple frequently shares glimpses of their adorable four-legged family member on social media.
Ā Amanda’s Social Media Presence
A constant supporter of Bubba Wallace’s racing career, Amanda often takes to social media to express her pride. From celebrating historic victories to sharing behind-the-scenes moments, she stands as a pillar of support for her husband.
Netflix Docuseries Feature
In 2022, Amanda appeared alongside Bubba Wallace in the Netflix docuseries “Race: Bubba Wallace,” offering viewers an authentic look into their lives. The series captures genuine moments and provides an intimate glimpse into their journey.
Amanda Carter’s life is a tapestry of love, art, and unwavering support for her husband, Bubba Wallace. From their high school days to the NASCAR tracks, their story continues to unfold, leaving a lasting impact on fans and admirers alike.