Telegram will finally have a new subscription plan. According to Telegram’s CEO, Telegram Premium will be available later in June. Durov claims that. Telegram is sponsored largely by its users. As a consequence, clients will have to pay for certain features starting in June. Telegram, on the other side, will not levy any fees for its current features. Charges will be applied to the new features.
“After some consideration, we determined that the best approach to provide our most demanding users more while keeping our present services free is to charge for those expanded limits,” Pavel Durov stated of the new Premium plan on Telegram.
“As a consequence, Telegram Premium, a subscription option that gives everyone access to additional features, speed, and resources, is debuting this month.” Users may also donate to Telegram and join a club that receives early access to new features.
Users who requested that Telegram “raise the current constraints even more” received premium services. He also claimed that the function would speed up the process and enhance the number of resources accessible.” However, he pointed out that lifting all restrictions for everyone would put Telegram’s server and traffic costs beyond of reach. As a result, he reasoned, the only way to increase limits would be to charge for them.
Some of the features would be accessible to users who do not subscribe to Telegram Premium, he noted. According to Durov, users will be able to see extra-large documents, media, and stickers provided by Premium users, as well as tap to add Premium replies that have previously been pinned to a message to answer in the same manner.
Last month, Telegram updated its iOS app with a number of new features, including customizable notification sounds, variable silent intervals, an auto-delete option in profiles, responses in forwarded messages, and message translations.
Telegram’s biggest market in 2021 was India, which accounted for 22% of all lifetime installations. Telegram has been around since 2013, but its popularity increased when WhatsApp imposed its puzzling restrictions. Many users who were unaware of WhatsApp’s new terms of service and privacy policies downloaded Telegram, fearing their privacy would be violated.
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