In a heartbreaking turn of events, the renowned reggae artist Kokoi Baldo, famous for his soulful performances on The Voice Philippines Season 2, has tragically left us at the age of 44. This article sheds light on the unfortunate incident that claimed the life of this beloved musician, creating a void in the music industry that will be deeply felt.
Cause of death
On December 8, Kokoi Baldo’s life was abruptly cut short in a tragic motorcycle accident on Bacolod City’s Circumferential Road. Attempting to overtake a car, Baldo lost control on a curved section of the road, leading to a fatal fall from his motorcycle. The situation took a tragic turn when a 10-wheeler pick-up truck, driven by Benny Flor and loaded with sugarcane, unknowingly ran over Baldo. Despite the severity of the head trauma, the driver continued, unaware of the accident.
Confirmation and Family’s Plea
Kokoi Baldo’s manager, Sam, confirmed the heart-wrenching news on social media, requesting fans to respect the family’s privacy during this difficult time. Baldo’s wife later appealed for the removal of accident scene posts on social media, emphasizing the need for compassion and understanding.
Musical Journey and Achievements
Though Kokoi Baldo didn’t clinch the victory on The Voice, his performances, including renditions of “One Day” and “To Be With You,” deeply resonated with fans. His musical journey continued as he triumphed in Your Moment, leading the reggae band Juan Gapang.
Sarah Geronimo’s Tribute
Coach Sarah Geronimo, who witnessed Baldo’s talent on The Voice, expressed gratitude for the lessons learned from the late artist. In an Instagram post, she thanked Baldo and wished for his soul to find peace in God’s presence.
A Family’s Grief and Plea for Sensitivity
As the family grapples with this immense loss, Kokoi Baldo’s wife once again implored social media users to refrain from sharing posts depicting the accident scene. In this trying period, the family seeks understanding and compassion.
Kokoi Baldo’s Lasting Impact
Kokoi Baldo’s untimely departure leaves a profound void in the hearts of fans and the music industry. As we delve into the circumstances surrounding his tragic passing, let us cherish the memories of the reggae sensation for the joy he brought through his music.